Explore the world's most famous cities and experience life in their frenetic or laid-back neighbourhoods with their contrasting architectural styles.
New York, Dubai, Toronto, Sydney… There aren't many people who can boast of having visited all these monuments to excess.

However, these cities are home to spectacular sights open to those daring enough to venture into these bustling spaces.

In images...
Our cruises in Australia: a drone flight over Sydney Bay

The Ponant promise
PONANT always places exploration at the heart of travel, whether in the midst of ocean swells or the centre of big cities. The company offers you genuine urban adventures where the search for authenticity works in tandem with the requirement for sophistication.
If there's one thing that truly defines big cities, it's the permanent throb and stimulation. Explore the metropolitan labyrinths and immerse yourself in a hectic atmosphere where the tides of people and events never stop.

A town is a thing like a colonial animal. A town has a nervous system and a head and shoulders and feet. A town is a thing separate from all other towns alike. And a town has a whole emotion.

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