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Whether you head North or South, the voyage may be your once-in-a-lifetime chance to see species that are amongst the rarest in the world.

Polar bears, seals, Komodo dragons, whales, seabirds... These amazing animals are amongst the most precious in our terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

In images...
Encounter with... The king penguin

The Ponant promise

PONANT is committed to ensuring the very greatest respect for the animals and their natural environment. The modest size and modern design of our ships offer an experience that is both a privilege and ensures the greatest respect for habitats. Thus, you will be able to discover these marvellous animals without disturbing their way of life.

The North Pole, Temple of discretion

The Arctic is the only habitat of polar bears, the lords of the sea ice. However, the southern latitudes also offer sanctuary to a wide variety of species: cetaceans, Arctic foxes, walruses, caribou, must oxen… Remarkable but wild creatures: you will have to be prepared to be patient to have a chance of seeing them!

Fascinating species
of the tropics

For those who prefer to avoid the cold of the polar regions, their ideal area for exploration lies off tropical shores. Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Indian Ocean are home to many iconic species: Komodo dragons, orang-outangs, crocodiles, whale sharks, dolphins, frigate birds, sea turtles and giant tortoises...


What excites me the most is the interaction and making a connection with animals. You can't predict anything, that's what makes it so fascinating. We can do everything we can to try and make it happen, but it's not up to us in the end. We are never masters of the situation, we have to leave the animal free to behave as it pleases. And when we are given the right to be privileged observers, we are quite simply blown away.

Patrick Marchesseau

What if the adventure were to begin now?


Our guests share their adventures with @Ponant.

An auditory getaway Podcast

An auditory getaway

Climb aboard Le Commandant Charcot for an Antarctic expedition Meet the emperor penguin through the curious and fascinated eyes of Marguerite.

Learn more in our online magazine, Escales


10 incredible encounters
with animals on the
other side of the world


The whale


Encounter with the
sentinel of Antarctica:
the emperor penguin


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