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In the footsteps of
the great explorers

Share the spirit of adventure of the great explorers who discovered the planet's highest latitudes…

From the Arctic sea ice to the Antarctic continent, the polar regions are still a long way from revealing all their mysteries to us.

In images...
The Ross Sea

The Ponant promise

On board the ship the Commandant Charcot, which is specially designed for extreme polar exploration, PONANT offers you the opportunity to sail to the very heart of the ice with complete respect for the environment. Travelling in the wake of the eponymous explorer Jean-Baptiste Charcot, we invite you to a shared adventure beyond the confines of the known world, where maritime experts, scientists and naturalist guides work together with local populations to offer you an unforgettable experience.

Lands of

Charcot Island, Adélie Land, Scoresby Sound… Rare are those who have had the privilege of venturing to these still mystery-filled lands. Let the adventurous spirit of the Commandant Charcot carry you to the whisper of the unknown, taking you exploring the splendours of the polar world.

Authentic encounters

The secrets of the cryosphere are far from being the only curiosities to discover during your exploration. In the Arctic, you will have the privilege of meeting the Inuit, a group of peoples whose way of life fascinated great explorers such as Paul-Émile Victor and Jean Malaurie. An emotionally moving human experience.


From where does the strange attraction of these polar regions come, an attraction so powerful and tenacious that after returning from them, you forget the emotional and physical fatigue and think only of going back to them again?

What if the adventure were to begin now?


Our guests share their adventures with @Ponant.

Learn more in our online magazine, Escales


Head for the geographic
North Pole


The enchanting South
Orkney Islands


Zoom on
the Weddell Sea


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